Where to throw the garbage

In the Avenida de Tenerife, on one side of the complex, you will find bins to throw normal garbage and recycling garbage (plastics and glasses).

In the map below, the yellow box is where the normal bins are and the green box is where the recycling bins are located.

Normal bins are inside black doors, which you can see below as well.

You have two options to go here.

  1. You can leave the complex by the main entrance, and go around to the Avenida de Tenerife.
  2. Or you can go inside the complex, open 3 different doors to go outside right where the normal bins are.
Where to throw the garbage

Normal bins for normal garbage are inside this black doors:

Right in front of this, you will find two bins to throw recyclings, like glass and plastic recycling.

This is what you will see when exiting to the street on this special door for the garbage

1st door out
1st door

2nd door
2nd door
3rd door
3rd door
3rd door closer
3rd door